Monday, May 7, 2012

Life Boat Survival Question About Presidential Candidates?

You have probably played the lifeboat survival game - some scenario like 15 people in a life boat, but only 5 can survive - who do we throw out and why? This one has 10 presidential or possible presidential candidates in it -

Clinton, Obama, Edwards, Thompson, Bloomberg, McCain,Romney, Huckabee,Giulani, and Paul

Who do you throw out first? second? third, etc, until only one is left?

I would say

first- Huckabee - he's sure he's going to heaven - let's test out his theory

second - Romney pretty much the same reason

third - Paul, because he's halfbaked already

fourth, Bloomberg he can't make up his mind so let's make it up for him

fifth - Thompson, he doesn't seem to really want to be prez

sixth - Edwards but i would give him a hair dryer first!

seventh- Clinton maybe her husband's morals are at the bottom of the sea

eighth- Giulani I would have thought about throwing him out first but i think he may be headed for hell

ninth -obama but only because i pick MCCAIN

Life Boat Survival Question About Presidential Candidates?

1st - Hillary Clinton. All the remaining boat members will toss her over together then watch her yell for help as we row away

2nd - Edwards. His voice annoys me

There will be a pause because I want everyone to start paying their dues to stay on board....

3rd - Thompson. I don't know what the hell he's saying most times so no need to keep him

4. Giuliani - I wanted to give him hope and get some dough from him. He's gone. QUICK fast and in a real hurry!

I'll pause to warn the remaining boat members to pay up or get tossed over!

5. , MaCain. That's one tough old man. I'll need help tossing him over.

6. The Huck Man. I'm afraid he'll run out of money so he gotta go!

7. Paul. Enough of the Winny voice

8. I'll check out the remaining boat crew then reach for Romney. Bloomberg has much more money... he's gone!

9. Bloomberg - However I'll ask if we can have some of his money before tossing him over.

well... that's it.. Obama is the last man standing. Just as expected.

Life Boat Survival Question About Presidential Candidates?

Yea, I basically agree with you.

Life Boat Survival Question About Presidential Candidates?

McCain? McCain is basically a Bush clone.

Bush/Rove smeared him in the 2000 campaign about his years as a POW and the psychological damage he must have incurred. Also about his wife's admitted addiction to prescription drugs. The Democrats could easily swift boat him and run around mocking him with bamboo splinters under their fingernails and purple band aids like the righties did to Kerry.

McCain votes straight party but pretends to be a maverick. He was almost dead last in his class at Annapolis, where he got in because his father and grandfather are admirals. His second wife's father bought him his Senate seat and he is TOOO FRIGGING OLD!

Life Boat Survival Question About Presidential Candidates?

Great statement, lousy question.

Life Boat Survival Question About Presidential Candidates?

Throw out Ron paul - so full of hot air he will float.

Bloomberg - his yacht will pick him up

Romney - he will flip - flop his way to shore

Huckabee - your reason is good.

Clinton - sharks are afraid of her

Keep on the boat

Mccain - same reason as Clinton

Edwards - he can sue the owners of the lifeboat for making it too small.

Obama - his ears are big enough to catch the wind

Thompson - heck who wouldnt want him around?

Guliani - he can get his mayoral helicopter to come pick everybody up - as long as one of his mistreses aren't using it.

Life Boat Survival Question About Presidential Candidates?

I jump first and take my chances with the sharks.

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