Saturday, May 5, 2012

My cat freaks out about everything! Hes not afraid of humans, just random objects. Whats up with tha

hes afraid of things like, brushes, my cordless phone, my hair dryer, my camera. Just anything random. He isnt shy though, when i have people over, hes all over them. Hes 6 months old.

My cat freaks out about everything! Hes not afraid of humans, just random objects. Whats up with that?

she is still young! Just get her used to things, (to do that just get her used to SEEING thing around the house.)

My cat freaks out about everything! Hes not afraid of humans, just random objects. Whats up with that?

haha thats funny. but wat sammie said

My cat freaks out about everything! Hes not afraid of humans, just random objects. Whats up with that?

Well, what if a hookydinkerbob showed up on your doorstep? You don't know what that is? Neither do I. It would freak me out since it's not something I'm accustomed to:) Your cat is scared of things most cats are. We adopted our cat when he was 2 and he used to be terrified of brushes and the hair dryer. The hair dryer STILL freaks him out (remember that their hearing is way better than ours and the high pitched noises from a hair dryer are disturbing to them). But I CAN brush him now. I just used everything nonchalantly....I didn't react when he'd freak about something, I just went about my business as usual. I didn't force, but I didn't act as if something was wrong, either. Eventually, he just learned to accept certain things as a way of life. Other things, like the hair dryer, still irk him, lol.

If you want to get him used to being brushed, let him smell the brush and investigate it. As soon as he can be around it without running away, stroke him with it. Gradually build up his exposure to it. Always talk in a calm, friendly voice when the brush is around, and give him a treat after he's been around it. You can do this with any object you want him to get used to and accept.

My cat freaks out about everything! Hes not afraid of humans, just random objects. Whats up with that?

He's young and everything is new to him. If he shows fear at something, lay it on the floor and let him investigate it.

Once when I was dusting a cabinet I put a rather large soap-stone carving on the floor. The first of my six cats came over casually to investigate and nearly jumped through the ceiling. Straight up into the air, hair all puffed, tail three times its size and hissed and snarled. He sat about ten feet away. I left it there for the next half hour and eventually he came back and checked it out again. He must have decided it was no big deal because he curled up beside it and went to sleep.

Give the baby time he'll come around.

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