Saturday, May 5, 2012

Help please?

I posted a question yesterday asking if there was a ghost in my house. I said that my brother saw an orb and I felt my bed shake and a knocking noise. Well last night something happened again... I felt someone put there hand on my head. My head was paralized for a minute or two. But I didn't feel any warmth or anything. It was just pressure. And now I am losing things. For instance, I got my brush and put it on my bed, I walked out of my room into my bathroom that is right next to my room to get my hair dryer. My brush wasn't on my bed, I looked all over for it. I still have no clue where it is. I swear I am going crazy! Do you think I am just imagining things? And I know my brother isn't just playing with me, he wasn't even here when some of these things happend. I am really scared!!

Help please?

your head been paralized, and a feeling of pressure sounds like sleep paralysis...i get this to, but im sure its not just sleep paralysis, and something is holding me gets so intense that i start calling out for god, and then im released...ive argued alot about this topic, as for nearly everyone who goes through sleep paralysis, they feel an evil pressence, then why would our brain react to the word god, for us to be happens to me quite regulary

Help please?

calm down first off. Take a deep breath. Now go on with your regular day and keep doing what you are doing. if this helps write down where you put stuff and keep track of things. Then check if they are there. but don't panic first, it is normal to get scared easily and think things are happening. and yes i do believe in ghosts but if things are seriously weird then come back here and ask what to do.

Help please?

I also think your imagination is causing these things. I'm not saying it's not really happening. The things you said happened can be explained away as natural causes. But , if it keeps up..then I think you need to tell your parents. I hope you haven't been trying to call up any spirits. I hope that game you're playing isn't about calling upon spirits. ( I'm not read your profile). Try not to think about this. The more you think about it , the more it will happen. Just ignore it. Like I said..if it gets worse tell your parents. Maybe you should tell them anyway.

Help please?

I have had the exact same experience and got some pretty scary news from an expert. I heard that when a bed is shaking and the entity puts pressure on you it is almost always a demon... I hope she's not right, but she's supposedly an expert. My sister and I go ghost hunting all the time, but have never had anything happen until recently, my bed would shake at night (both my husband and I felt it) my brother had his guitar picks that he leaves laying around thrown at him, my mom had candy from a dish thrown at her at night and both my brother and I have felt a ghost put pressure on our heads, My husband and I then moved out of my parents house into our new house and I think it fallowed me because the same things would happen there and I would have missing stuff too, then objects that were lost would turn out right in the middle of my living room floor.

I know it can be scary but this is what I did to make it stop. You need to get with some people that believe this is going on too, it will be hard to do it alone. walk around the house, mostly in areas where strange occurrences take place and talk to the spirit, tell it that it doesn't belong in your home and that it needs to leave and that it is not welcome, this usually works for ghosts and spirits, sometimes for demons, if it is a demon the most successful way people have rid there homes of demons is by contacting a native American shaman and asking him for help. Good luck, don't worry too much about it, I'm sure it's harmless.

Help please?

a ghost or another unseen being inside your need to learn to pray to GOD so that it wont bother or scare you.send to me your e mail and i will send to you a spell breaker which is biblical in e-mail is symbols will drive away bad spirits!

Help please?

I am of the opinion that you have poltergeist activity in your home. Does your parents know that these things have happened? What do they think? If you have not confided in them, I would consider doing so.

Help please?

Hi Kayleigh

First of all your not going crazy. Lets look at each of the situations you have reported the orb I personaly do not hold alot of faith on orbs in alot of situations these can be discounted as light reflections coming from headlights from a passing car that can reflect from differant points in your home and can give the impression of an orb in a room that has no windows the bed shaking could be explained by a couple of things one is if you live by a heavy traffic area another could be a earth tremor even slight tremors can cause the shaking you speak of another can be a furnace turning on older homes or apartment buildings are notorious for loose plumbing and rough running appliances which can give the illusion of shaking beds but this of course depends on the severity of the shaking you mentioned you did not state how bad the was shaking the knocking you talked about can be attributed to the same the sense of the hand on your head and the paralization you speak of could be explained as pure fright your brush disapearence can be explained as either you misplaced it and simply forgot as your first thought was that a spirit hid it and the fear came into play which caused you to forget.I have dealt with alot of the activity you have mentioned in many of my investigations you need to try and see if there is a physical reason for these occurances first.When my team goes into an investigation we look for these things first before we attribute anything to the paranormal.Yes it is true these are classic signs of a poltergeist which is quite simply a mischeveious spirit one who like to play games to get your attention. I cannot realy give you a definitive answer with the info you gave I would need to know more.Please calm down first and look for the obvious there are differant things you can do to detect paranormal activity.just know that you are not going crazy ok and the fear and frustration you are feeling are common if you would like go to my question and answer profile and contact me and I will try to help you get through this I have alot of friends in the paranormal field all over the world and we all network to help peolpe everywhere.let me know if I can be of any help ok don't let the negitive answers you get to this question effect you these people obviously do not recognize all call for help.

Help please?

You could have a haunting.

On my Yahoo 360 blog; I posted several techniques for psychic self protection; feel free to take a look.

Help please?

Which is more likely: that a supernatural spirit--although invisible and in a non-physical state--violates the laws of physics and crosses over into the real world...just to steal your brush, or that you just misplaced your brush?

The pressure you feel while sleeping may be nothing more than sleep paralysis. Check it out and see if you think that might be what you're experiencing.

Help please?

I agree with most of the previous answers. The only thing that has not been stated already is this. If it is a person from the spirit realm it may have entered your house by means of some object brought into your home. Try to remember if anything has recently been brought in. If you did not bring anything in, maybe someone else did. I believe that if you were to locate and remove this object, or objects, your bad experiences should cease. Continue to pray, even after your fears have gone; and read the bible. These are the things that will help and strengthen you. Paranorma is not from God. He communicates through the bible. His words are alive. May the Peace of God be with you.

To everyone: Please take the time to pray for this person. She is our sister in Christ Jesus. If we are wrong, we would still be doing a good thing for someone else?

Help please?

lets start on today.....I didn't see your question on the net lets get on with it for today.research is always the best way to find out whats going on.there are archives about your area...there are renters are owners whom might lead to some answers because,not everyone tells the truth about what happens behind closed doors.This orb seems to be playing with you,but doesn't seem to be really harming you.Before you go all banishing do the research....It could be one of your loved ones in visitation just trying to get your attention!how would you like to be banished just for saying "hi"?settle down and if it gets to much for you,remember its your home and you can ask them to get out!Don't provoke them like you see on t.v....that could lead to trouble.check out your local paranormal group or you can always talk to your local religious persona. either way there are plenty of ways from video,evp,to keeping a log on everything that's happening....stay calm and keep us posted...blessed be!

Help please?

That is poltragiest activity.Get help by a professional.Sometimes they will not leave,you have to leave.

Help please?


Help please?

Not to dismiss the orb sighting but you didn't provide enough information about this. Did the orb act or look in any way unusual? What did it do? How long did it last? What were the circumstances?

Knocking noises could be a house settling, the bed shaking is harder to explain.

The pressure on your head is typical of a condition called sleep paralysis. Google it there is tons of information.

Lost items %26amp; Shaking beds: I would try some simple experiments like:

1. Write down all the times objects seem to move

2. Note if there is an object or location where this happens

more often

3. Set up a video camera and record if you have one

4. Tie fishing line to an object (most effected) at the

location (most effected) and see if the item moves.

5. Place the object in the middle of other objects so it

can't be moved without disturbing the other objects.

Help please?

It's more than likely your subconscious working against you. Ghosts don't exist.

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