Tuesday, April 24, 2012

5.5 month old on antibiotics for a bacterial infection,?

The antibiotics have given him diarhea and his poor little bum is raw. Im using desitin at each diaper change and making sure hes dry by using a hair dryer on cool. Anyone have any suggestions about something else to try? Ive tried a couple of different creams and corn starch and they have not helped. If I cant get it cleared up by monday im going to take him back in to see if its a yeast infection.


5.5 month old on antibiotics for a bacterial infection,?

try leaving his nappy off for a period, while he is playing on the floor. The fresh air should help clear up his nappy rash.

5.5 month old on antibiotics for a bacterial infection,?

see the doctor now.

5.5 month old on antibiotics for a bacterial infection,?

baking soda bath will dry that up.and air dry.Probably need different antibiotics also.

5.5 month old on antibiotics for a bacterial infection,?

Try to take his diaper off and let him air out that usually helps some.

5.5 month old on antibiotics for a bacterial infection,?

try some yeast infection cream....or get anti fungal cream....its the same stuff the doctor is going to give him...

make sure you keep him really clean down there..stop using wipes and start using wash rags with warm water.

5.5 month old on antibiotics for a bacterial infection,?

you should go see a Dr. because this does sound like a yeast infection and it will get worse and his poor butt!!!!

5.5 month old on antibiotics for a bacterial infection,?

Poor guy, not uncommon with antibiotics. Why not give your pediatrician a call - see if maybe they don't think they can prescribe an ointment over the phone based on his symptoms?

5.5 month old on antibiotics for a bacterial infection,?

the antibiotics have messed up colon flora which you must help him replinish

if you are breastfeeding then nurse as much as possible and look into a probiotic asap

and i would say that he most does have yeast.....once again his whole body flora has been disrupted by the drugs

5.5 month old on antibiotics for a bacterial infection,?

try Aveeno baby ash and cream. also try just baby powder. When mine had diarrhea I only rinsed thier bottoms with warm water and let it air dry as much as possible, This to me was the most effective way to help. I also put cream and powder on thier bottoms at night so they dont wake up screaming...my recommendation is use water and airdry....good luck

5.5 month old on antibiotics for a bacterial infection,?

Does it bother him? You can try a little Anti-fungal cream, Lotriman AF works great if it's a yeast infection. I would call the nurse line or the doctor and ask if it's okay to try it. You could also try getting real yogurt...not like Dannon...but the good kind you can find in health food stores and you can put that on his bottom if you don't want to use medication.

5.5 month old on antibiotics for a bacterial infection,?

If you're breastfeeding, put some breastmilk on it and let dry.

I've rarely used any creams on my son, just lanolin wipes and breastmilk if there's redness. My son is 25 months old now.

5.5 month old on antibiotics for a bacterial infection,?

Definitely sounds like a yeast infection! Poor baby!

AIR, air and more air! Great idea for hairdryer!

Pagan mom is on it! OR, you can go to a local health food store, Trader Joe's, or something similar. Get a "good" bacteria for infants/children, called "BabyDophilus". It is what is found in yogurt, etc.

Then mix it with a 1/8 teaspoon of water or formula...it's flavor is similar to powdered sugar, and feed it.

The antibiotics are doing what they are supposed to, killing ALL bacteria...unfortunately, that means the good ones too. His little body can't replace them fast enough. Besides, if you don't start them, when he comes off of antibiotics, he'll catch the next bug/germ that comes along because he doesn't have good bacteria to fight them!

Bag Balm or Butt Paste is also something you can try on his little bottom!

Call your pediatrician and get a prescription strength ointment for him. Nystatin, probably.

Good luck!

5.5 month old on antibiotics for a bacterial infection,?

If it has turned into a yeast infection, the only treatment over-the-counter is Myconizole- and the same brand you would use for your own yeast infection. A doctors visit is not necessary unless you use the cream and it does not clear up.

Use this and let your baby go without a diaper for a time- how? When napping, unfasten but pull forward to allow the air to get there. It works wonders!

Good luck!

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