Friday, April 27, 2012

My power company sent me a bill for the neighbors address which I've been paying. I just notice

I didn't notice the bill was for a different address because it seemed to be an appropriate bill of $35 a month. When I notified them of the mistake, they sent me a bill which averaged $60 a month (they are reimbursing me what I have paid). However, $60 a month can't be correct. I have 1 refrigerator (on low) 2 televisions, one of which I've used just a few times, one microwave I use maybe 5 minutes a week, a small fan ( in the hot weather) and a computer and 2 ceiling fans. NO air conditioner, no hair dryer, no aquariums, coffemakers, toaster, electric heat or stove or oven. I barely even use hot water. My apartment is only 600 sq feet and I am only here 2 thirds of the time. Does this make sense?

They are sending someone over to check things out next week. My landlord says the average electric for my place ( i moved in 6 months ago) was $27 a month. I don't know anything about electricity. How do I know the person coming over won't just con me. What do I do?

My power company sent me a bill for the neighbors address which I've been paying. I just noticed.?

Read the meter for your apt. and check the rate (make sure they didn't increase it from the old bills you paid). Check again next month.

See if it is an estimated amount on your new bill, or a read meter.

Keep in mind, that a lot microwaves and computers are big "ghost energy hogs" and use power unless unplugged.

Also make sure you aren't paying for electric in common areas - sometimes it isn't the power you are using - but wiring that you shouldn't have to pay for.

My power company sent me a bill for the neighbors address which I've been paying. I just noticed.?

most likely they won't they have a meter thingy they have to read with #s make him break it down for you and prove it if you don't trust him.

My power company sent me a bill for the neighbors address which I've been paying. I just noticed.?

Go through your old bills, and call the power company and tell them how many months you have been paying for the neighbor's house. They should go through their copies and make the correction to your account.

In the future, it is always a good idea to go over every bill you receive with a fine-toothed comb.

If you can read the meter yourself, then I suggest that at a set time, go and read the meter. Then, 24 hours later, go read it again. See what the daily usage is. Also, turn off everything except the hot water heater, and go check the meter. If it's running when everything is off, then the problem could be the hot water heater.

If the landlord is saying what the average bill is, for your place, then you can also ask the power company to go through their records and see what bills were for your place 12 months ago, and compare them with your bills today.

The hot water heater may be using more power. If you pay for heat, that could be costing you.

My power company sent me a bill for the neighbors address which I've been paying. I just noticed.?

also,to add to all these great ideas, if your apt. does not have a meter then you do NOT,by law, have to pay for electric! Have the landlord take you to court.State that you don't have a meter of your own and ask the judge to have landlord install one for your unit and you will gladly pay your fare share!

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