Saturday, May 5, 2012

I need help with convertors for my trip to London and Paris, I'm totally lost and don't kn

I asked a question already, but mostly got answers on adapters. While I have this pretty much figured out, I'm still not sure what "Prise de Terre for France" Does anyone know?

I have no idea what to do for convertors. I bought one from Radio Shack, but it only has the two round prongs like for Paris. Where would I get an adapter for this that would work in london? It would need to attach to the two round prongs and I haven't found a convertor with American prongs on it.

It does 50W and 1600W. So does like a hair dryer and curling iron go on 1600W and my laptop on 50W? What about my camera battery charger? Which would it go on?

Is there any adapter I could get that would work for both London and Paris as far as the prongs?

It says it convers 220/240VAC to Standard US 110/120VAC is this what I am looking for?

If you could send me a link directly to the products I should look at, this woudl work as well.


I need help with convertors for my trip to London and Paris, I'm totally lost and don't know what to do

"Prise de Terre" is a ground wire. The outlet has a small metal rod, so your adapter plug won't fit it, unless it has a hole in it (so, there should be two prongs and one hole) or unless it's narrow enough (my Delsey adapter is like this). Not all outlets are equipped with it, so sometimes there are just two round holes for your two round prongs.

You can easilily by ADAPTERS at the airport. Converters are more tricky. Check the following links:


Keep in mind that many of your appliances might not need a converter, but only an adapter. I am almost sure about your laptop. Your camera battery charger might not need it (if it says something like 110 - 250 V, then you DON'T need a converter).

I will be more pessimistic about a hair dryer (many hotels in Europe would have them for you) and curling iron.

Another tip - some European hotels have universal outlets (suitable for U.S.) in their bathrooms.

I need help with convertors for my trip to London and Paris, I'm totally lost and don't know what to do

i find your question confusing, so i'll give a general answer.

you need 2 things for european travel: the plug adapters and a transformer (sometimes called voltage convertor).

the plug adapter is easy. Targus and other companies make all-inclusive ones. i bought one when i was in Switzerland (30CHF), and it's a stack of plugs that all fit into each other and will have a set that corresponds to any country in the world. see example:

the transformer, you may not need to buy. if the plug of your appliance says 100-240V, 50-60Hz, then you're ok; it just means that it can accept inputs from 100-240V with frequencies of either 50 or 60Hz and output it into the American 110V standard. most likely, your laptop/camera charger will not need anything extra. curling iron, probably will not have a transformer, then you'd need to buy one that accepts input of 220V (which i think is standard in europe) and gives an output of 110V. on ebay, these are only $10-15.

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