Saturday, May 5, 2012

Water in the ear..swimmers ear?

Anyone know how to get water out of your ear,

I have water in my ear! It's driving me nuts, I can't hear from it GRR.

I spent the day in the pool yesterday and now I have water in my ear and I can't get it out, I have tried...

*blocking my nose %26amp; blowing

*Shaking my head

*chewing gum

*hair dryer on cool

*warmed baby oil


*50% each white vinegar/rubbing alcohol/peroxide

*Stuff from the store, which is 95% alcohol anyway!

Water in the ear..swimmers ear?

Water in your ear is different from swimmer's ear.

Swimmer's ear is a fungus infection that is very painful and requires medical attention. It is caused by having moisture in your ear for an extended period.

Water in your ear happens when wax buildup keeps water from draining out. My recipe for getting the water out is to buy an ear syringe (available in any pharmacy) take a bath in hot water and lay back so that your ear is under water. After the wax has had a few minutes to soften, fill the ear syringe with the water and flush out your ear repeatedly.

Afterwards, rinse your ear with a mixture of half white vinegar and half rubbing alcohol. After a few minutes dry your ear with they hair blower.

Water in the ear..swimmers ear?

Umm, I think you're gonna get an ear infection if you've tried all that and you can't get it out.

Water in the ear..swimmers ear?

I have always poured a capfull of peroxide down in it and let it sit for about a minute and it came out. Try laying with that side down after doing it and letting it all drain out. It should work. IF not try the ear candles. You may have a blockage that won't let it out.

Water in the ear..swimmers ear?

Press your hand on your ear like a suction cup.Then little by little, water will come out.

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