Saturday, May 5, 2012

What are you doing....?? reduce your power/electricity/water/gas use??

What have you been doing to reduce your water and/or electricity use this summer?

What about fuel/gasoline use?

Amidst an intense heat-wave, the people of Ontario have used a record-breaking amount of electricity today!!

All summer I have been trying to reduce my electricity/ water/ gasoline use by turning off lights, carpooling or using public transit, taking short showers, "letting it mellow if it is yellow", not using my hair-dryer at all, lowering or not using air/con, turning off the TV, etc.

I want to hear what others are doing!

What are you doing....??

I'm trying to do my part by closing the blinds on the south and west sides of the house to help keep the heat out. We're running the a/c during the day, and the computers (DH works from home; I'm home on short-term disability and use my computer for writing short stories), but little else. We're running the dishwasher only every 2-3 days and setting it to turn on automatically in the wee hours of the morning, and we're washing clothes after dark then hanging them out to dry (as much as the ridiculous humidity permits, anyway) in the morning. The only lights on in the house right now are the energy-savers in the kitchen, one in the living room, and a nightlight in the upstairs bathroom for the kids.

I had surgery and am not permitted to drive right now, so that right there is saving gas. DH telecommuting is a huge savings too. And since I've got an incision in my middle, I've been showering only every other day and sponge-bathing on the days in between. And I don't use a hair dryer anyway, so that's not an issue.

The kids would rather be outside playing in the wading pool than watching TV inside, and when they're inside, we've been doing things like painting and drawing, doing puzzles, and playing board games.

Hubby and I have talked to them about saving energy and they're really into it. Just tonight, I'd forgotten to turn off the kitchen light when I took my younger son upstairs for bedtime, and my older son "scolded" me for it when I was putting him to bed, LOL. We're actually enjoying making it a family project.

What are you doing....??

i turn off the light that i'm not using how's that.

What are you doing....??

Sleeping sleeping and more sleeping. Have my friends drive me around instead lol.. drinking a lot of bottled water and eating out. do laundry once a week at night time.

What are you doing....??

I have been driving my gas guzzling Corvette all the time and washing it once a week. While the A/C is running wide open in my house and the tv is left on.Then I take a loooong shower!

What are you doing....??

Wow, that's great. You are an awesome good person. If we all would do that, just think!

What are you doing....??

1)Turning off the water while brushing teeth

2)Short Showers

3)Turning off the T.V when not watching

4)Lights off when not home

What are you doing....??

We shut off our air for one whole day, but couldn't stand it, so we turned it up higher...From 74 to 78...And use fans...

I have been just washing once a week instead of twice...And washing my own dishes by hand, by having a bowl in the sink, instead of using the whole sink...

Going to the store less often or walking instead...Going out to eat less, too...

Bathing is smaller amounts of water at a tepid temperature...I can't take showers because of my handicap...Torrid tremors...

The TV is a must, though, as I can't read anymore...

I use the microwave whenever I can to cook, and the toaster oven to bake...Also use the crockpot often...

I hope I answered your question right...Thank you...

What are you doing....??

Car pooling, in other countries during coding day (meaning last digit of your plate) you are not allowed to use your vehicle to work unless there are a minimum of three persons riding the vehicle

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