I am hearing this weird sound upstairs, and I know I'm not hearing things cause my brother and my mom hear it too. It sounds like what a hair dryer sounds like through a wall, if you know that sound. Sorry, its the only way I can describe it. We thought it was the air conditioner so we turned it off, but we kept hearing it. It sounds like it's coming from an AC vent but...uugghh help i'm so confused....
What is this sound??
Its probably just something common so i would just forget about it or look for where its coming from
What is this sound??
Do you live in an apartment? Maybe it is the people up above you. Does your house sit close to the next door neighbors house? Maybe it is them being noisy!
What is this sound??
Are you sure you a/c unit is really off? Sometimes a circuit breaker will make this sound if it has a poor connection inside your fuse box or circuit panel. The best thing to to is to call a certified home inspector to give your home a through inspection.
What is this sound??
Could be something like wind blowing across an airbrick.If you`ve got airbricks in the wall you could try blocking them with paper and see if the sound is still there. Trying cutting of all the electric at the fusebox and see if it disappears, at least that might give you a clue. You might try turning the water stopcock off as well, same with the gas. If that don`t work then it`s mice using battery powered hairdryers and you need to call in a pest control stylist.
What is this sound??
This might give you a clue...I lived in a townhouse and heard a sound like you describe when I was up stairs in bed. I went looking and listening and it was a neighbors heatpump. It sounded just like it was in my house.
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