Monday, April 23, 2012

Can you people help me settle an argument with my finacee??

Me and my fiancee have been having an argument and I need your help clear up the issue.

I say that Saran Wrap and a rubberband is just as good as a name brand condom, or even dipping it in latex paint and using a hair dryer. She disagrees.

Who's right?

Can you people help me settle an argument with my finacee??

No no no, what you want to do is just sterilize your willie by holding it over a naked flame for three minutes.

Can you people help me settle an argument with my finacee??

she's right.

Can you people help me settle an argument with my finacee??

Hahahaha. Stupid. Spend the $5 on a box of condoms and have a nice night.

If you're truly OK with tying a rubberband around your penis, then you go right ahead. If you don't want to have a baby, I suggest you use a condom.

Can you people help me settle an argument with my finacee??

Not as good as duct tape and hot glue.

Geez nice trolling dude.

Can you people help me settle an argument with my finacee??

You are. You should totally dip you penis in latex paint. It is the exact same thing. Good Luck

Can you people help me settle an argument with my finacee??

I think she is right. Just buy some condoms

Can you people help me settle an argument with my finacee??

You're... stupid.

And wrong.

Can you people help me settle an argument with my finacee??

i agree with you my man 100 percent

Can you people help me settle an argument with my finacee??

shes right

Can you people help me settle an argument with my finacee??

I think the fact you even asked this question demonstrates you are way to young to be in a serious relationship.

Can you people help me settle an argument with my finacee??

she is. a rubber band would cut off your circulation and could kill your penis. stop being cheap its dangerous and saran wrap wont prevent pregnancy or stds

Can you people help me settle an argument with my finacee??

Wow. Definitely grow up. A lot. You shouldn't even be having sex because you're so incredibly immature.

Can you people help me settle an argument with my finacee??

don't you have anything better to argue about...boy on a night like this...get a life!

Can you people help me settle an argument with my finacee??

um she is doesnt cost that much to buy condoms.

Can you people help me settle an argument with my finacee??

i think you should just super glue your tip!!

Can you people help me settle an argument with my finacee??

Try it and see who's right

Can you people help me settle an argument with my finacee??

I hope your fiancee is alot smarter than you or else you guys will be having kids very soon and that scares me

Can you people help me settle an argument with my finacee??

OMG!!!!!That's all I have to say.Use condoms as opposed to Saran Wrap.Thanks for the points!!!!!!!!!

Can you people help me settle an argument with my finacee??

just pull out and make her swallow.

Can you people help me settle an argument with my finacee??


Can you people help me settle an argument with my finacee??

I think you're right, but I believe a balloon is better shaped for the job. Good luck, have fun testing your theory and hope that people on this board will get a sense of humor!

Can you people help me settle an argument with my finacee??

Oh, sweetheart. I'm going to let you guys hash this one out......

Can you people help me settle an argument with my finacee??

I'd agree, So-crates. Only problem is that they don't make rubberbands large enough to wrap around the circumference of The Nolte's junk.

Can you people help me settle an argument with my finacee??

heheehehe! Hysterical!

Can you people help me settle an argument with my finacee??

Of course it's just as good. Enjoy

Can you people help me settle an argument with my finacee??

you're overcomplicating, too. Just use the elastic band, it'll squeeze it so nothing will come out. You can save the saran wrap, too. See? It's that simple.

Can you people help me settle an argument with my finacee??

Your amusing

Can you people help me settle an argument with my finacee??

I learned on the history channel that people used to use an animal bladder and a piece of twine to serve the purpose of a condom.

Can you people help me settle an argument with my finacee??

LoL!!! You're silly!

Can you people help me settle an argument with my finacee??

Is it the press n' seal wrap or regular? That makes a difference, ya know!


Can you people help me settle an argument with my finacee??

This has been tested and approved. Go at it sir!

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