Monday, April 23, 2012

How Do I Mangage My New Straight Bangs?

i just got bangs but they keep falling to the side.. not straight down.. i dont like to use product .. i instead use the hair dryer...

any suggestions to get that "look" ??


How Do I Mangage My New Straight Bangs?

If you want your bangs to stay put and fall straight down without using product, try first combing them straight down. Next, use a small round brush and blow dry them until they are dry starting on one side and moving to the other. Finally, comb through them one more time so they don't get "volumized" from blowdrying with the round brush. Hope this helps.

How Do I Mangage My New Straight Bangs?

Use a flat iron

How Do I Mangage My New Straight Bangs?

straighten them

How Do I Mangage My New Straight Bangs?

you can poof them up and put them up with a bobby pin. Any you have to put product in them to tame them, eventually they will be tame with out the product!

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