Monday, April 23, 2012

If you're going to be rude , don't bother answering !?

Me and my cousin were being stupid with the hair dryer and camera phone today . She's quite tall and slim , not anorexicly skinny or anything , but what do you think of her face ? Lots of people close to her have encouraged her to model (we live in New Zealand so its not as popular and hard to 'make it' here) . We all reckon she could be a model or are we just biased ha . . ? Honest but not rude answers please and thank-you :)

Oh and excuse the farm clothes !!

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That is one of the most prettiest faces yet! She really needs to find a model agent. She is very pretty and I bet u are too!

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yeah she can actually be a model, most models look like her. he skin tone's a little uneven but when she's a model they can just hide it with make up other than that yeah she has chance.

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Yeah i agree she should try for modeling.... she has an edgy bone structure that could be high fashion.

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I think she would if she just practiced a lot.

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In that photo, it looks like she has a prominent nose which could be a problem.

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haahaha, 'crazy with the hairdryer' :D

i think she could.

shes really pretty, anywhoooo.

and has the right.. 'look' for highfashion modeling ^-^

shes not really your typical girl-next-door.

so yeah!

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I think she'd definitely have a chance.

Her 'look' is very unique and pure which is always a bonus.

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yes she could definily model. she is very beautiful. she looks like a lot of the models here in america. she has a lot of natural beauty to her so she doesnt have to wear tons of make up. i love the pic!!

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well I was gonna say who could be a model with thoes clothes but your last sentence kinda tells me to disreguard them

so actually I think she could but it would take a little work

and if you plan on putting together a portfolio good luck

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yeah, why not! i have heard though that a girl has to be at least 5'9...

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3/10 sorry not trying to be mean but youre just not that pretty. you look like 30 or so in that pic

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Models are generally thin and tall so her height is important. She could depending on the modeling agency and the look they are going for. If she is serious she should go to a reputable photographer to get a portfolio of photos. Different angles of light, hair, poses etc.

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she's not the prettiest person,

but she is unique,

and possibly could model.

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yeah definitely. i'd kill for bone structure like that, psh. lol.

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my bff lori lives in nz...i live in america so it sucks but..yea the clothes have GOT TO GO...but shes pretty, im the same way, but people think im anorexic

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yeah she has "the look"

but it looks like she has an adams apple.

=\ just me?

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YES she is. she has pretty eyes.

Do you have a picture of your self.

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Honest answer. She's very attractive, but I don't think so.

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omg that girl is gorgeous!

she looks like kaylen from season 3 of ANTM.

deff. could model. Kaylen almsot won!

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yes! i love her look.

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yeah, i would say go for it.

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yeah definately. she already has the look down lol. just need some traing and stuff. look up JOHN ROBERT POWERS or BARBIZON on the internet. they are modeling/acting schools and can hook you up with training and professional headshots. good luck to her!

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ok i will try and get thru this without being sarcasti...

nope cant do it

what did she do stick her finger in a lite socket?

how can we tell u if she can model without seeingher in a

modelesque pose?

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honestly no sorry..... really..

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What's with the adams apple?

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does she know your exploiting her picture throughout the internet ?

If you're going to be rude , don't bother answering !?


If you're going to be rude , don't bother answering !?

No, I don't think she can model

Shes ugly

If you're going to be rude , don't bother answering !?

Yuck. I have seen better things in a bathroom toilet.

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