Monday, April 23, 2012

My motorala rzr was just dropped in the toilet.?

i took it out %26amp; it was still on. I immediately took the battery out to dry it off and took it to a hair dryer. now its turning on and off fine, but none of the buttons work on it except the red power on/off button [[which i find really weird]]. people can call me, but i can't call them. Does anyone know what to do? my parents won't let me get another phone btw. :/

My motorala rzr was just dropped in the toilet.?

well you sohuld turn it off and if u can open the phone up carefully to let it dry out might want to try putting it in a box filled with silica gel (the stuff that the thrown in shoes, backpacks, purses, ect.. in those little white bags that say not to eat them) they absorb moisture so they can help to dry it..don't stick it in the oven though..u might melt it for it could have a bad effect on the electronics. i don't know what kind of money you have available to you..but if u really want you can go get ur own cell phone from walmart, a boost phone costs like $30 or $40 and then just buy minutes and use that. and so ur parents don't find out try calling customer service for your phone and asking them to set up call forwarding for you and send all your calls to the other phone.

I have a motorola razor too and i set up call fowarding to a boost phone, not because it got wet, just because the razors (or atleast the 2 in my family) suck a lot and i can't stand trying to talk to people on them.

My motorala rzr was just dropped in the toilet.?

try the oven on warm for about 30 minutes. If that does not work then you are going to be stuck purchasing a used phone or finding one that works with your provider somehow.

My motorala rzr was just dropped in the toilet.?

this is not a manufacturer fault so it'sot covered under the warranty.. you need to change the IC(intergrated circuit) to let it wok which cost half of your phone price usually. if you were to change or service it outside (other from an AUTHORISED motorola service centre), they might not handle it in care thus voiding the labour warranty..

My motorala rzr was just dropped in the toilet.?


My motorala rzr was just dropped in the toilet.?

buy a new's the best u can do......tnks

My motorala rzr was just dropped in the toilet.?

keep the power off allow it to completely dry inside (put it in the sun on a window ledge)wait for a few days before powering or you could fry the the electronics

My motorala rzr was just dropped in the toilet.?

well the thing you should have done was left it out and let it dry. i have dropped my electronics in pools numerous times. as long as their dry when you turn them on, then no harm done. but now,,,you might be screwed. just set it in the sun and let it dry. and if its too late... then get a new one. and if you have a warranty.... thats even better.

My motorala rzr was just dropped in the toilet.?

Take the battry and SD card out. the circut inside

has shorted out.if you can take the face plate and rubber key pad out. Don't try to dry it with heat.

buy a can of air and try blowing it out.

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