Monday, April 23, 2012

Nightmare i had just a moment ago?

i just had a nightmare not to long ago and i can't fall back asleep... anyway here's what happened:

i was putting stuff in my purse to bring with me to my dad's house and it was really weird because it was much later then we already went and people were just acting kind of strange. anyway, i left my running hair dryer on the bed (it was blowing heat it wasn't actually moving around) and all of a sudden it catches flame, i throw it off the bed and it's on the floor now. I'm trying to yell for help because for some reason in the dream I don't know to throw water on it myself. All of a sudden these two african american women appear out of nowhere. They were sort of stereotypical bronx like women, big, fashionable with their nails and hair done (not trying to be mean this is actually what they looked like) and they both started screaming help and my step dad comes into the room and i show him the fire and he says go downstairs and get something to throw on it.

Nightmare i had just a moment ago?

Dreams of fire usually signifies transition or a passion for something. I want to take a guess with you seeing the 2 female character in a fashionable state is a reflection of how you see the fashion industry. Are you into fashion designing, or have a passion to be?

If not, then it might signify a new stage within yourself, or how you see yourself. Trying to extinguish it means that your trying to keep something in your life under control but it's too much for you, or you simply don't know how. I would sit down and do some self-evaluating to sort out some things. You'd be surprised at what you may discover!

Nightmare i had just a moment ago?

It's not literal. It means you have too many things going on all at once in your life. You need to give yourself a little "down" time, when you can just hang out and relax. Think about how to achieve that, otherwise your anxiety level is going to heat up just like that hair dryer.

Nightmare i had just a moment ago?

Yeah .

Nightmare i had just a moment ago?

I think that, yes dreams have meaning, but at the same time maybe you should think about what might have cause the dream.

Have you watched any movies lately with similar events? Maybe you had thought about SOMEthing close to the hairdryer event or about the ladies.

Who knows. I have a lot of bad dreams. one or two a night where I wake up sweating and panting and some people say I scream in my sleep. I suppose I have night terrors, but when I think about the dream, I can alway pick out certain things that I had thought about or had seen. the rest my mind had filled in, and stress made it a bad dream.

drink some water, stick in a cute movie like Ratatoulli or something, and fall asleep.

Nightmare i had just a moment ago?

Bad dreams are not about there content ,but all are about the feeling they leave you with. Focus on how the dream made you feel, and the answer will come to you .

Nightmare i had just a moment ago?

i had that dream wit hair straitners and now i am on my period ... thats freeky :O


Nightmare i had just a moment ago?

Have you ever survived a fire in your life? Do you recognize the two women at all?

Your sub-conscience puts things together from the previous day. Your deep con-science will add in things from your past until you deal w/ them.

Saw a murder in my youth. I couldn't dream for almost 12 years, just the same recurrence till I confronted it.

Your dreams are just your brains revew of the previous day. If you know your dreaming,you can controllwhat happens in your dream. I wish you luck.

Nightmare i had just a moment ago?

not always. may be u are insecured about ur looks , daily activities.

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