Monday, April 23, 2012

Phone Dropped In Pool?

Ok, so my LG 8300 slipped out of my hand and into a pool. As soon as I noticed it I dived in, grabbed it, jumped out, and took out the battery. I let it dry for a few hours, then took a hair dryer to both the back of the phone and the battery, then I let it sit over a heating vent all night. I went to put the battery back in and try it, but it still wont work. I hold down the red button for the required 3 seconds, and I get the "Verizon Wireless" symbol like always. Then I get an error message saying "Use Genuine Battery. Power Off". Sometimes the screen is white, sometimes the screen is clear. Any help?

BTW, I dont have insurance on it and I have only had it for 6 months.

Phone Dropped In Pool?

Since you have Verizon, you should be able to go in and pay atleast $50 for the rep. to get a refurbished one sent to you. I've done it for several people who didn't have insurance.

Phone Dropped In Pool?

well that suks...

Phone Dropped In Pool?

its possible that it will work again, but more than likely, its screwed.

Phone Dropped In Pool?

sucks to be you

i just lost my razor to the washer, nothing you can do

Phone Dropped In Pool?

The water in the pool could instantly cause a short circuit destroying an integrated circuit. You can try replacing the battery and see what happens.

Phone Dropped In Pool?

Try letting it dry overnight with the battery out. I dropped my cell phone in water and it took almost 24 hours for it to work again. The insides need to completely dry out.

Phone Dropped In Pool?

Check out this web site for some tips. By the way, even if you had insurance, it usually doesn't cover water damage.

Phone Dropped In Pool?

You're beat. The phone is shot. The corrosion the moisture causes instantly will ruin that phone. The chlorine in the water definitely wont help either!

There is a sticker that turns pink when it gets wet, so verizon will know you soaked it. You will need to get a new phone and pay out of pocket..

Sorry :(

Phone Dropped In Pool?

Sorry its broaken go on the link i included u go bto electronis well what you have to do first on the side of the page there is a locaion thing and u put in ur area thennnnnnnnn u search up cell phone in electronics there not to pricy also some people might sell sim cards to

Phone Dropped In Pool?

That sucks.

Maybe your service provider will replace it for you.

They have done it for me with no insurance.

It's worth a try.

Good Luck.

Phone Dropped In Pool?

The moral of your story is to buy insurance. Cell Phones and water don't mix. I know this girl who dropped her phone in water and she dried it out and it started working again after about 3 days. The only problem was the phone would randomly call people in her speed dial list while the phone was closed in her pocket about 2 or 3 times a day. Her friends kept asking her why do you call me and hang up? She said that she didn't call. Her friends would show her their caller id's and she was like I didn't call you for real. It was causing issues with her social life no doubt. Then one day she was with her best friend at a convience store and they were standing beside each other and her best friend's phone rang. Her best friend looked at her and asked her "where is your phone?". The girl said that it was in her pocket, why? Her best friend said your phone is calling me.

Not long after that the girl got a new phone. I recommend in the future getting insurance whenever possible because that is an insurance that you have a high probability of actually using.

Phone Dropped In Pool?

well u might have to get a new phone.... wat u should of done was dip the phone into rubbing alcohol.... the alcohol actually evapporates quicker than water and will disspate the water

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