Monday, April 23, 2012

Theres this girl on my swim team...?

her name is Sunmer. Oneday she kept whipping all the girls on the swim team with a towel. When she hit me a couple thousand of times i punched her twice. Then, She whipped me a couple thousand times again(HARD!!) so i scratched her really hard twice and she thought she was going to get a scar. By the way when she was dping this she was naked!! O_o

After 2 days she thinks I'm like her Best friend in the world and she annoys me and creeps me out. She is so creep she always dries her butt after a shower using a hair dryer!! O_o So i need tips to shake her off!! PLZ HELP ME!!!

Theres this girl on my swim team...?

Tell her to leave you alone or you will go above the teacher's head to resolve the problem.

Theres this girl on my swim team...?

Tell her flat out to leave you alone and then if she doesn't talk to the swim coach and tell him/her what is going on and then if it doesn't stop, you may have to quit the swim team...

Theres this girl on my swim team...?

butt hair dryerer! lol. tell her to get lost

Theres this girl on my swim team...?

Now that is very strange and I would have a talk with the coach about that.

Theres this girl on my swim team...?

awww poor towel... we towels don't take kindly to that kind of action

towels were meant to be wrapped around your body

and to be absorbent

Have you hugged your towel today????

Theres this girl on my swim team...?

just dont hang around her

Theres this girl on my swim team...?

Ummm.... she's a lesbian... and you need to go on a new swim team... or just say to her, "Shut the up or I will tell the coach!"

And mean it!!!!!!!!!

Or.. if that doesn't help..... punch her until she bleeds real hard!


Theres this girl on my swim team...?

k0 that bich or just chuck a pile of crap at her

Theres this girl on my swim team...?

just tell the coach or their parent. they will know what to do. her parents might make her quit the swim team. then you would be happy. if she still is really mad, tell the coach or team up against her with the other girls. if this doesnt work, just stay as far as you can from her. also, you could just ignore her and she will eventually stop. if this doesnt work, you could just steal her towel! lol

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