Friday, April 20, 2012

Toddler PETRIFIED of loud noises!?

I have a 16-month old little girl who is absolutely terrified of the noises made by my vacuum cleaner, my Cuisinart, and hair dryer. Even if she is upstairs in her crib, she cowers in a corner sobbing her eyes out!! I've tried showing her that it's okay, and that it doesn't hurt anyone, but she won't budge. I limit my food processor time to when she's out playing in the yard with my husband, but when we're at home by ourselves during the day, it's hard to "schedule" drying my hair and vacuuming (those pesky crumbs get EVERYWHERE).

Any suggestions??

Toddler PETRIFIED of loud noises!?

Maybe show her how to turn it on and off. When she is in control maybe it wont be so scary for her. Our one child cried for two years when ever we used the vaccuum until we let her turn it on herself. Then the noise is not a "surprise"!

Toddler PETRIFIED of loud noises!?

be thankful she's not deaf : )

Toddler PETRIFIED of loud noises!?

Toddlers and babies have very sensitive ears, because the ears haven't been worn out by years of loud noises. It could actually be hurting her.

I would say to try to keep her in the other room while you do loud things, and hope that this passes. I guess there isn't much else you can do, except maybe talk to her doctor about the problem. Has this been going on since birth?

Toddler PETRIFIED of loud noises!?

Take her to the doctor. There is a condition (I can't remember the name) that goes along with this "fear". It has to do with her hearing. I'm not saying she has it but you need to discuss this with her doctor. Good luck.

Toddler PETRIFIED of loud noises!?

These are sensory issues and not entirely uncommon. Many children (and adults) today have sensory disorders. This is extremely common in autistic children. My son is terrified of the sound of chainsaws, vacuums, hair dryers, weed whackers..I can relate. My husband has to leave the house with our son so I can vacuum!

I would ask your pediatrician about this. My best guess is your daughter should see an Occupational Therapist and have a sensory diet profile done.

Best wishes!

Toddler PETRIFIED of loud noises!?

I think you're just going to have to put her in another room while you do what you need to do. You can't protect her from all the loud noises in life, so you might as well get her used to them in a safe environment. If you minimize them for her sake, she may even think that she's right, and that all those loud noises are "bad" because mama tries so hard not to make them, and that's just going to aggravate the problem.

Toddler PETRIFIED of loud noises!?

this is an age when fears are common for kids. maybe she had a bad dream once that really scared her and she doesn't know how to deal with the real thing, or even the difference between a dream and the real thing. Be patient with her, try to comfort her and support her and let her know that she will be fine and doesn't need to be afraid, but don't belittle her feelings or not take them seriously. She sounds like she really is very afraid and she needs to know that you believe her.

Toddler PETRIFIED of loud noises!?

If it hasn't been going on for very long, perhaps she has an ear infection that you are unaware of. My son had an infection, was very sensitive to noise but didn't have any symptoms (pulling of ear, patting ear, ect)of an ear infection but he had his check up and I found out that he did indeed have an ear infection. If that's not it, them maybe have her wear one of those headphone style ear plugs until it doesn't seem so bad to her.

Toddler PETRIFIED of loud noises!?

Just don't use any of those items too much when shes around. And if u need to vacuum just by the flickr or something like that. It just a little sticky pad that picks up little crumbs and stuff when you don feel like vacuuming. You can get a on line coupon for it at the website. I think its from swifter. Just google it. Its orange and they sell it at target, Kmart, walmart etc. And slowly show her that its ok. My son when he was younger was also terrified of the vacuum. But i just kept vacuuming more and more and he just got use to it. I just kep telling him its ok. Introduce her to them one by one. And eventually she will grow out of it hopefully =). My son was afraid of the vacuum till he was 3 lol. He's for now and he still runs away from it, but he doesn't cry anymore.

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