Monday, April 23, 2012

Does anyone's dog get angry/sad when you leave for work?

My dog seems to know when I am getting ready for work to leave for the day. He will just sit on my feet and look up at me while I am putting on make up, and when I take out the hair dryer he knows it's getting closer to the time I leave and he will start howling at me and walks in circles around me then bolts off and brings me every single stinkin toy that he has, and just wags his little pug tail waiting for me to play with him, it makes me feel SO BAD! He'll just look up at me and tilt his head and whimper when I open the door to go out and try to follow me. Sometimes he will bolt down the stairs and try to go with me and then I have to put him back in the house and awww why is it so hard!?

Does anyone's dog get angry/sad when you leave for work?

OMG i do understand! My hubby wears a uniform for work, as soon as thats on my dogs start whining and yapping, one gets herself in such a state she starts panting. Our other dog gets ever so upset when we open the front door to leave and starts barking like he's saying nooo dont goooooo! I totally understand how hard it is, it breaks your heart with the guilt, there is no easy way, i do sympathise xxxx

Does anyone's dog get angry/sad when you leave for work?

Dogs are pack animals and prefer to be with their pack. He wants to be with you and doesn't like to see you leaving. He's obviously got the guilt trip down well too!

I think our dogs don't have a problem partly because if we do need to leave, they still have each other to keep company.

Does anyone's dog get angry/sad when you leave for work?

DOGS LIKE COMPANIONSHIP and thats why he does that have you always worked since youve had him or is tis a new thing? he may get over it once he sees that u come home and comapnion with him everyday.

Does anyone's dog get angry/sad when you leave for work?

Yes, What solves this was a backup dog. Having a spare dog for the main dog to play with is a lovely, lovely thing.

Does anyone's dog get angry/sad when you leave for work?

This is normal, the best thing to do is quietly say bye when you leave and ignore the toys eventually he will catch on.

Does anyone's dog get angry/sad when you leave for work?

My dog goes to work and leaves me and I feel sad until he returbs from the office and takes me for a walk.

Does anyone's dog get angry/sad when you leave for work?

I get very sad when I go on vacation, or to school. If you feel so bad you should drop him off at a doggy day care, I don't feel as bad when I let my dog interact with others all day.

Does anyone's dog get angry/sad when you leave for work?

My dog has the same thing. It's separation anxiety, except in dog version. Ask your vet about it and he should know how to cure it.

Does anyone's dog get angry/sad when you leave for work?

Mine sure does! He has finally accepted the fact that we go to work, but we can tell he doesn't like it. Whenever I have to go away for a few days he starts worrying %26amp; pouting as soon as he sees me packing a suitcase. If he see's both of us packing he worries more %26amp; will jump in the vehicle %26amp; you have to drag him out! We have friends look in on him and one time when we were gone for 4 days he read us the riot act - yes he talks! He says "Awwwho" %26amp; "Mom" %26amp; even puts the two together sometimes. When he fusses at us for being away I'm not sure what he's saying but from his tone it sounds like "i can't believe you would leave poor me here for soo long and not miss me! Don't you know how much I love you %26amp; worry?" LOL

Does anyone's dog get angry/sad when you leave for work?

It just means your dog loves you and is going to miss you when you are away to wherever you are going. Its just like if you were going to work and your child will miss you, pets do have feelings too. dogs can be happy,sad,mad,or whatever. what i used to do when my dog would get upset that i was leaving is give him something with my scent on it, (something i wore or whatever) that he can play or carry around it will make them feel more secure. good luck

Does anyone's dog get angry/sad when you leave for work?

My Tigger follows me around in the morning but I figured out a trick. He loves to see people walk by the front of the house so I pushed a chair up to the window and now when I say " Tigger, who's outside?" he bolts for the chair and waits utill he sees something. It's hilarious and he leaves me alone to get ready. Then right before i walk out the door, I toss a cookie to the other side of the room. this way he becomes distracted by the cookie, he's happy and I can freely walk out the door without feeling like the worst person in the world.

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