Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Ear wax irrigation?

I just came from the doctor and was amazed by the amount of ear wax that was removed. I have been using ear wax removal drops for the past 2 days. Basically oil and a small percentage of peroxide. It loosened up the wax and I got my ears irrigated today.

But here's the problem. It feels incredibly odd. Yes a LARGE amount of ear wax was removed but my hearing is odd. It's clear yet clogged. Is this due to the pressure of the water that was used in the ear? Cause I'm trying to figure out if there is still some wax in there.

My doctor wasn't a otologist though..But I know he's been doing this for a while. I'm worried though cause he used just tap water as well. Remoed the ear wax and no drying what so ever which has me worried about an ear infection. I can dry it out with a hair dryer though so it shouldn't be THAT much of a problem..But what I'm really worried about is this odd hearing. It still feels blocked...Is this normal/..Will it clear up in a day or so?..Or do I have more wax?

Ear wax irrigation?

I have alot of ear problems. So i think i can help you. When the doc cleaned out your ears he probably got water stuck behind your ear drum. It happens all the time. It will clear up soon. It has to drain naturally by itself. If you start to have pain, go back to the doc, casue that water probably turned to fluid and may have caused an ear infection.

Hope you feel better and hoped i helped.

Ear wax irrigation?

try q-tips to get some of the water out if that's what you think the problem is. however try yawing, a real yawn like you're tired. sometimes on airplanes the air pressure will cause the same effect you speak of and usually yawning helps.

good luck

Ear wax irrigation?

It is normal to have your ears feel wierd after an ear irrigation. Don't use any Qtips in your ear, it should return to normal after a day or two, if it doesn't contact your doctor. As for the 'tap-water', an irrigation is not supposed ot be done with simple tap water, it is supposed to be sterile water. Hope this helps.

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