Monday, April 23, 2012

How much electric do my household appliances use?

I'm trying to save on energy and I have been told the TV is a big user. My husband says my hair dryer and straightners use more because they have a heating element. I thought the fridge would use a lot but a man at Comet said it would cost aroung 鎷?5 a year to run that. Any ideas of website that give the ratings etc. Or do you yourself know.

How much electric do my household appliances use?

Unless you are really wasteful with electricity you won't be able to save more than a few pounds a month but here's some info.

One unit = 1kW hour which means that if you use an appliance rated at 1000 Watts (1 kW) for one hour you would use one unit.

A lamp rated at 60w would have to be on for just short of 17 hours to use one unit (1kW hour divided by 60w = 16.7 hours) but if you fitted a low energy lamp rated at say 15w it would take 1kW hour divided by 15w = 66.7 hours to use one unit.

The most worthwhile economy measures are:

1. Fit low energy lamps in lights that are on for long periods like the living room, toilet lights for example are not normally on for more that a few minutes so are not worth bothering with.

2. Only put enough water in an electric kettle to satisfy your needs (a kettle is a high usage item).

3. Switch off lights when not in use.

4. Dry clothes outdoors whenever possible as tumble driers are high usage items.

5. Wash clothing on low temperature settings.

6. Don't leave appliances on standbye, switch them off.

Hope this helps.

How much electric do my household appliances use?

everything uses a lot, heating things do us a lot aswell. When you buy most new appliances it may have a sticker on it giving it a rating.

How much electric do my household appliances use?

Anything that produces heat would be the major drain on energy use as your husband says. For example, an electric cooker, electric kettle, heating, hairdryers etc.

Things that are minor are computers, lights and the tv for example.

How much electric do my household appliances use?

A quick and simple way to gauge how much electricty an item uses is to check how many Watts it consumes, this is the voltage multiplied by the current and is often found on a little sticker or stamped on electical items

You will find that your hairdrier will be using considerabley more than the television but you'll only use the hairdrier for a few minutes a day and not hours at a time like the television.

It will depend on the particular televison set but in the grand scheme of things, televisions are not power hungry items as such, it is the fact that they are often running for hours and hours at a time.

How much electric do my household appliances use?

You can work it out approximately with this calculator, if you know the amps etc. of the appliances, but they say it is for guidance only:

Also, do a Google search for something like 'appliances running costs', and you should come up with some approximate tables.

How much electric do my household appliances use?

Before i buy anything i look for wattage use.

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