Monday, April 23, 2012

What to do when youre bored...?

1. block off an entire aisle in the toy store by creating a life size battle of xmen vs. barbie

2. put up a tent in the camping department and tell other shoppers that you'll only invite them if they bring blankets and pillows from the bedding dept.

3. while holding a gun from the hunting dept. ask the assistant if they know where the anti-depressants are.

4. set all the alarm clocks to go off in ten minute intervals.

5. when someone talks on the loud speaker get in a fetal position and start screaming "the voices are back, make them stop!!!"

6. hide in a clothing rack, when a person looks at the clothes, pop your head out and yell "pick me. pick me"

7. sit in your car on a busy street with sun glasses on and point a hair dryer at passing cars to see if they slow down.

8. go through drive thru at mcdonalds an order a diet water to go.

What to do when youre bored...?

Take a electric barbie kiddie car and race it around the store and when anyone asks, say you are taking it on a test drive.

What to do when youre bored...?

find something to beat off to. that always kills time, and it's fun.

What to do when youre bored...?

LOL. You wouldn't be bored for long, probably be ejected ! LOL.

Have a great weekend!

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